TG's back in action
From Monday 23rd August, TG's Child Care will be open and operating as per usual following our Covid Safe Plan to ensure best practice is followed during this NSW lockdown period. TG's is following our Covid Safe Plan to ensure best practice is followed.
To ensure TG's remains COVID safe, families that are able to work from home are encouraged to have the children at home with them. The lockdown is in place to restrict our movements so we can all do our part in containing the spread of the COVID virus and keep our communities safe.
To assist Essential Families in our community who require additional days, please contact our friendly Centre Managers for support to arrange your booking.
TG's is always here to support our families and communities, and we continue to provide high quality education and care for the children even through trying times. Learning never really stops at TG's, and our educators are here to share their gifts with the families by preparing activities for the children to do at home.
Waiver of GAP fee in NSW
Even in the midst of this challenging period, there is a bit of good news. The NSW Government has allowed TG's to waive the GAP Fee from Monday 23rd August 2021, under some circumstances for children who will not be attending the service.
Please note that this decision will be reviewed on a week by week basis.

For children who are attending our service, families will continue to pay their gap fee/parental contribution as per normal.
TG's care goes beyond its doors. We can face challenging periods and get through them because we are all here for each other. The safety and wellbeing of our children, families, educators and communities is our priority.
TG's is still with our children and families even in their own homes. We are all eager for the situation to stabilise and be safe again for everyone to be together. Stay safe and remember to share your joyful learning experiences at home with us!
About TG's Child Care
As one of Australia's leading early learning Kindergarten and Long Day Care providers,
TG's Child Care is dedicated to its philosophy of “Quality Lifelong Learning, where
Playing is Learning for Life.” Children attending TG's Child Care are encouraged to
experience a love and joy of learning throughout their time there and are equipped
with skills and tools to continue their personal growth long after they’ve left. In
addition to the Urangan campus, TG's Child Care has five others in New South
Wales: in Armidale, three in Wauchope, and in Uralla.